Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Agriculture Department Yanam is catering to the needs of farming community for the propagation of improved technologies. The Department is also looking after the training needs of the farmers and it is also responsible for organizing Seminars, Melas and Flower Shows etc.
Yanam is situated at the tail end of river Godavari. It is prone to the vagaries of climate such as cyclonic storms, floods to river Godavari etc. and the Department is taking up the responsibility of extending relief measures to the farmers whose crops are affected by natural calamities. In addition, all schemes relating to Forestry & Wildlife are being implemented through this office. Conservation of mangroves was also taken up by keeping in view of the importance of mangroves in the conservation of environment. Extending subsidy on cultivation expenses/ Production incentives to field crops under various categories are as follows:
Paddy: Rs.5,000/- per acre for General category and Rs.6,000/- per acre for SC category.
Pluses: Rs.4,000/- per acre for General category and Rs.5,000/- per acre for SC category.
Coconut: Rs.5,000/- per acre per annum for all categories.
Fodder : Rs.8,000/- per acre per annum for all categories for three consecutive years.
Under the CSS scheme SMAM, applications were collected from the farmers for extending the financial assistance to General and SC farmers for purchase of Agricultural machineries and implements at 50% subsidy and file is sent to the Directorate of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Puducherry for approval. Under the scheme Diversification in Agriculture through Horticultural Crops, it is aimed at increasing number of crops per unit area under coconut to practice high density multiple cropping system by bringing more crops such as banana, vegetables, pulses and green manures etc. So as to provide additional income to the farmers to increase per hectare yield under Horticultural crops, distribution of quality planting materials, optimum use of bio-fertilizers, micro nutrients and other organic manures etc. are programmed under the Scheme. Nutritional gardens in rural areas, distribution of fruit and vegetable mini kits were issued at free of cost for every year. To create awareness among the farming community and general public about floriculture Flower Shows are conducted, every year. Under the ATMA scheme, Demonstrations, training programmes, Kisan goshti, Interstate training programmes were conducted to the farming community.
Schemes related to Agriculture
Office Address:
Office Of The Deputy Director Of Agriculture,
Opp. SBI ATM, Pillaraya Street,
Yanam – 533464
Email :
Ph. : 0884-2321922