
Civil Supplies

Brief Note on the activities of the Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Yanam Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs , Yanam is a public department entrusted for the following services to the public of Yanam region.

  1. issuing of New Ration Cards,
  2. issue of Duplicate Ration Cards in the case missing original ration cards,
  3. deletion of name in the ration cards in the case of division of family members / death/applying for new ration cards in other states/region
  4. inclusion of names of new members in the existing ration card
  5. to get surrender certificates in case of transfer to other states. Based on the updated database, the card section is provided instant service to the above said activities. Thus, serving the public for providing essential commodities to fulfill the needs of all community of people in Yanam region.

I. Regular services to the existing ration cards: The following three types of cards are being issued in Yanam region and the people of Yanam region are utilizing the services of department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Yanam for getting essential commodities under Public Distribution System based on the types of the cards possessed by them through 22 number of Fair Price Shops in Yanam region.

  1. BPL (Red) Cards: There are 9478 number of BPL cards are existing in Yanam region whose income is Below Poverty Line(BPL). A Central Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) system is being implemented by the Government of India. Under this system, each person in BPL card is linked with Aadhaar and bank account and an amount of Rs.150.10/- per one person in BPL card in lieu of rice is credited in each bank account monthly. Thus , 9478 BPL card holders are being benefitted every month under this system.
  2. AAY Cards: There are 2081 number of AAY Cards are existing in Yanam region which are issued for those who are aged and dependent persons whose income come under Below Poverty Line(BPL). A Central Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) system is also extended to AAY card holders whose bank accounts are credited with an amount of Rs. Rs.1050.70 monthly irrespective of number of members of the family in the ration card. Thus , 2081 BPL card holders are being benefitted every month under this scheme.
  3. APL(Yellow cards): There are 4856 number of APL cards have been issued in Yanam region whose income come above Poverty Line(APL) and there is a proposal for crediting of amount equal to cost of 10 kilograms of free rice to the bank accounts of each APL card holder .
  4. Nearly about 11,559 BPL and AAY ration card holders of Yanam region are getting benefitted every month under Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) system.

II. Public Distribution System: Under this system, Rice , sugar and kerosene are supplied to the all Raton card holders of Yanam region. At present , only 20kgs of rice to AAY and BPL ration card holders are being distributed on free of cost to the card holders of Yanam region under state scheme of PDS system. Free rice is distributed in Yanam region.

III. Distribution of Pongal Festival kits: It is proposed by the Government of Puducherry to distribute Pongal kits on free of cost to all types of ration card holders of Yanam region on account of Pongal festival every year

IV. INSPECTION AND CHECKING: The Fair Price shops are frequently inspected for smooth functioning of the FPS and the quality and quantity of ration being supplied through FPS, is also checked. If any misuse/malpractices are noticed i.e., diversion of Public Distribution System items, shortage of stocks, action will be taken against the erring fair price shop officials / workers as per rules / law in force. Also sudden inspections are made on petrol fuel stations, Gas agencies for checking of illegal transportation of petrol or gas to Andhra Pradesh or some other places .

V. District Level Vigilance Committee: A District Level Vigilance Committee was constituted and is functioning effectively for checking the quality and properly distribution of free rice to the public of Yanam region.



Office Address:
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
Mini Civil Station,
Ferry Road, Yanam-533464

Email : civil[dot]yanam[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in

Ph.     : 0884-2325100