Yanam Municipality
The Municipality is a separate entity of self Government institution with constitutional status and the Municipality is vested with powers for taxation like Property tax, Profession tax, Advertisement tax, Entertainment tax etc. All the functions and activities are solely meant for public only.
The Municipality has got its own different Bye-Laws on various matters for the regulation of various functions. Roles and Responsibilities :-
1. Hygiene and Sanitation maintenance.
2. Providing civic amenities like roads, culverts, drains, bus stands, Markets, Burial grounds etc.
3. Provision of street lights.
4. Drinking water supply to the problematic villages.
5. Construction / Maintenance of public toilets.
6. Maintenance of community halls and Kalyan mandapams/retiring rooms.
7. Maintenance of Burial grounds.
8. Registration of Births and Deaths and issue of various certificates.
9. Issue of Licenses/permissions to the industrial factories/Business Establishments.
Office Address:
Door No.03-04-010,
Thyagaraja street,
Yanam – 533464.
Email : munci[dot]yanam[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Ph. : 0884-2321268, 0884-2323035