As Yanam geographically situated in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, the syllabus, curriculum and exam pattern of all the Private Schools are as per the Board of Secondary Education, Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh. Where as all the Govt. Schools are follwing the syllabus of CBSE, New Delhi.
Delegate to Director of School Education, Yanam deals with the School Education-Primary, Middle, High, sports. At present school education is made available to the students through both Govt. and Private schools existing in Yanam region. The Delegate to DSE, Yanam is the Head of the organization and his functions are overall supervision, control and implementation of various welfare schemes such as free supply of uniforms, note books, Text Books provision of breakfast, Mid-day Meals, Millet Chikkes and cookies, conduct of sports activities and all other educational and co-curricular as well as extra curricular activities to the students.Our vision is to impart useful, relevant and quality education to all children, to enable them to fully harness human potentials-physical, mental and spiritual, in order to build a just, equitable and civil society and also to attain 100% literacy.
The total no. of Government schools & Private schools in Yanam region is as listed below:
- Primary Schools (LKG to V) – 17 Nos.
- High Schools (VI to X) – 08 Nos.
GOVT. AIDED SCHOOL(I to X): – 01 Nos.
- High Schools ( LKG to X) – 10 Nos.
Among the High schools, two High schools namely Kamala Nehru Govt. Girls High School, Yanam is exclusively meant for girls and Mahatma Gandhi Govt. Boys High School, Yanam is exclusively meant for Boys. Apart from the above, one Jawahar Mini Bal bhavan is also functioning with 160 students(approx.) with instructors of vocal and instrumental music, classical dance, drawing, tailoring.
The Distribution of teaching staff in Yanam Region:
Nomenclature of the posts | allocation |
Principal | 1 |
Vice Principal | 1 |
Head Master Gr.I | 6 |
Head Master Gr.II | 8 |
Lecturer | 18 |
Lecturer (Physical Education) | 1 |
TGT(Telugu) | 24 |
TGT(Hindi) | 12 |
TGT(Arabic) | 1 |
TGT | 102 |
Physical Education Teacher | 7 |
Headmaster (Primary | 12 |
School Librarian | 7 |
Performing Arts Teacher | 1 |
Sewing Teacher | 3 |
Fine Arts Teacher | 4 |
Primary School Teacher | 116 |
Balasevika | 44 |
Conductress | 12 |
Apart from these government run educational institutions, this Directorate is financially supporting various private educational institutions through Grant-in-aid for providing education to all the children of this Union Territory, who are in the age group of 3 – 17 years.
Office Address:
Office Of The Delegate To DSE,
MGG Boys High School Campus,
Yanam – 533464
Email : ddseyanam[at]gmail[dot]com
Ph. : 0884-2321280